License manager is not functioning
License manager is not functioning

In the Properties dialog, use the drop-down menu to change Startup Type to 'Automatic' and click OK.

license manager is not functioning

Consult with an IT administrator if necessary. Note: If the service cannot be started, make sure the Windows profile being used has enough permissions.

  • In the Startup Type column, right-click 'Manual' and select 'Properties'.
  • license manager is not functioning

  • If the above mentioned service is not running, go to step 4.
  • If the above mentioned service is running, close the Services console window and go to Solution 2.
  • In the Name column of the Services console window, find FlexNet Licensing 64 and check whether its status is 'Running'.
  • Click Start (or right-click Start on Windows 10) and choose Run.
  • Option 1: Check whether the FlexNet Licensing Service is running for versions 2017 to 2019 Using the incorrect account information will always result in the error.

    license manager is not functioning

    Note: before attempting any of of the solutions below, confirm that the correct account information are being used to sign into the product. Otherwise, refer to the following solutions: If this error occurs on the system that has LogMeIn installed, refer to "The License manager is not functioning or is improperly installed" on systems with LogMeIn installed.

    License manager is not functioning